TONE FILTH RECORDS                      P.O.Box   300081
******************                      Minneapolis , MN 55403


Owner   : Justin Meyers
Distr.  : US - Forced Exposure
Style   : ambient / electronic / abstract / noise / industrial / experimental /

TF      001     DEVILLOCK               METAL TAPEZ VOL.ONE             cass.     .2003
                (Note : cassette , 30 copies)
TF      002     DEVILLOCK               METAL TAPEZ VOL.TWO             cass.     .2004
                (Note : cassette , 31 numbered copies)
TF      003     GATE TO GATE/DEVILLOCK  : Split                         2Xcass.   .2004
                (Note : double cassette , 50 copies)
TF      004     DEVILLOCK               ORGAN GRINDER                   CDR       .2004
                (Note : CDR , 29 copies)
TF      005     SOREN                   FOUR MOMENTS OF NOSTAGIA        CDR       .2004
TF      006     THE THREE LEGGED RACE   LIVING ORDER                    C20       .2006
                (Note : cassette , 121 hand-numbered copies)
TF      007     DEVILLOCK               RED TUSKS                       cass.     .2004
                (Note : cassette , 33 copies)
TF      008     DEVILLOCK               BRIDE OF ORGAN GRINDER          CDR       .2004
                (Note : cassette , 34 hand-numbered copies)
TF      009     SEWER ELECTION/TRERIKSROSET : Split                     cass.     .2004
                (Note : cassette , 100 numbered copies)
TF      010     DEVILLOCK               WEIRDO WHALE                    CDR       .2004
                (Note : CDR , 28 copies)
TF      011     MOTH DRAKULA            SWAMP OF SOULS                  CDR       .2004
                (Note : CDR , 44 copies)
TF      012     DEVILLOCK               THE SLIME OF MARCH              CDR       .2004
                (Note : CDR , 13 copies)
TF      013     CHARLIE DRAHEIM & DEVILLOCK : TOTAL HORROR              2xcass.   .2004
                (Note : double cassette , 45 copies/100 copies)
TF      014     DEVILLOCK               HALF-SKULL                      cass.     .2004
                (Note : cassette , 22 copies)
TF      015     PANTHER SKULL           SHORTWAVE                       cass.     .2004
                (Note : cassette , 29 copies)
TF      016     RAINBOW BLANKET         A FACE RUINED BY FORM           CDR       .2004
                (Note : CDR , 27 copies)
TF      017
TF      018     THE CHERRY POINT        DEATH SCREAMS                   C20     01.2006
                (Note : cassette , 101 numbered copies)
TF      019     DEVILLOCK               DEAD CULT                       cass.     .2004
                (Note : cassette , 1 copy !)
TF      020     CHARLIE DRAHEIM         POSSESSION                      LP      12.2007
                (Note : LP,320 hand-screened textured card stock covers
TF      021     HIVE MIND               TRANSPARENT NUMBING             CDR       .2005
                (Note : CDR , 1st ed. 44/2nd ed. 50 copies)
TF      022     DEVILLOCK               MAGNETIC BONES                  C32       .2005
                (Note : cassette , 42 copies)
TF      023     CLAY'S FESTERING LUNGS  FLUTTER WITCH                   cass.
                (Note : cassette , 44 copies)
TF      024     SOLVENT PEOPLE          SONGS FROM THE AFTERNOON        cass.
                (Note : cassette , 66 copies)
TF      025     HIVE MIND               WRITHING FLESH                  LP        .2005
TF      026     DEVILLOCK               COLD BROOD                      cass.     .2005
                (Note : cassette , 45 copies)
TF      027     PANTHER SKULL           GUNK VOL.ONE                    cass.     .2005
                (Note : cassette , 33 copies)
TF      028     PANTHER SKULL           GUNK VOL.TWO                    cass.     .2005
                (Note : cassette , 33 copies)
TF      029     IMPREGNABLE             ROMANTIC FEVER                  C20       .2005
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TF      030     PANTHER SKULL           SLOTHWAVE WOOD BOX              C12       .2005
                (Note : cassette , 36 numbered copies)
TF      031     GLASS ORGAN             GLASS ORGAN                     cass.     .2005
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TF      032     DECLAWED YELLOW SWANS   DECLAWED YELLOW SWANS           cass.     .2005

TF      033     DEVILLOCK               THESE GRAVES                    LP      12.2007
                (Note : LP,333 hand-screened and inked textured card
                stock covers copies)
TF      034     WHITE BLOBS             WHITE BLOBS                     cass.
                (Note : cassette , 49 copies)
TF      035     PANTHER SKULL           TRANSISTOR OWLS                 LP        .2005
                (Note : LP , 1-sided , 111 copies)
                (Note : cassette , 20 copies)
TF      037     JUSTIN MEYERS : THE SOUND FROM THE OTHER ROOM           C26       .2005
                (Note : cassette , 98 hand-numbered copies)
TF      038     BURNING STAR CORE       SOLD ALIVE                      cass.   05.2006
TF      039
TF      040     DAMION ROMERO           TWINS                           2LP     12.2007
                (Note : double LP , 500 copies , gatefold sleeve , co
                release with P-Tapes Rec.)
TF      041     TOMBI                   FOREST OF THREE TREES           C20       .2006
                (Note : cassette , 103 numbered copies)
TF      042     BODYVEHICLE             AMPLIFIED VOICES OF CRYSTALS    C12       .2006
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TF      043     WORK/DEATH              VASECTOMY DESIRES (VERSION)     C25       .2006
                (Note : cassette , 125 numbered copies)
TF      044     TAIGA REMAINS           BEEHIVE SUTRA                   C20       .2006
                (Note : cassette , 100 numbered copies)
TF      045     GLASS ORGAN             TWO TAPES                       LP      12.2007
                (Note : LP,365 hand-screened white matte covers copies)
TF      046     C.SPENCER YEH           SOLO9 VIOLIN 1-10               LP      12.2007
                (Note : LP , 400 copies)
TF      046
TF      047     WORKBENCH               HEAD TIME                       C20     06.2007
                (Note : cassette , 100 numbered copies)

TF      051     THREE LEGGED RACE : LIVING ORDER/MOURNING ORDER         LP      03.2008
                (Note : LP , 335 copies)